Freedom Fighter Therapy Success Stories
(Sharing a client story is intended to help gain an understanding of support offered at Freedom Fighters Therapy. Names and faces were changed to protect privacy.)
Flipping of a Switch:
Military Vet Adjusts to Civilian Life with PTSD Therapy; Develops an Outlet to Express His Feelings
Joe, 55
Retired, Army Combat Medic
Married, 3 children, 1 stepson
Served in Iraqi War Desert Storm
Current Job: Factory Management
Like most military vets, Joe had unresolved trauma from the war. Unable to drive a car at night or early morning or get sleep for many years, Joe's mind kept warning him that an IED explosive was out there and could detonate at any time. His mind could not flip the switch off. He had panic attacks, racing thoughts, sleep disturbances, flashbacks, and anger.
Joe’s Concerns and Deep Desires
"More than anything, I wanted to simply be able to go drive back and forth to work without relying on my wife."
How We Helped
With a safe place to talk, Joe began to heal in other areas of his life.
After 4 Months of Treatment
Using new tools to help him stay calm, Joe drove to work again for the first time. This personal achievement motivated him to take more treatment risks for growth.
After 8 months
Joe began driving regularly. He developed daily personal habits and practices with less anger and better sleep to meet these goals.
Therapy Methods Used:
Sensory integration
Long-term Outcomes
Joe’s relationships at home and work strengthened. Joe also found a safe outlet to learn to express his feelings.
Joe reported specifically:
Less yelling at home at his wife and kids. He recognized his need to control his anger and knew that treatment would be ongoing.
Less cursing at work. Joe developed a new level of acceptance with his frustration with employees not working as a team (as he was used to in the military). Meanwhile, he improved his communication skills.
First Responder Hangs Up His Hat :
Seeks a Safe Place to Talk
Steven, 59, Retired Police Officer and Academy Trainer
Married with 2 grown children
Guarded emotions
Everything seems fine to others on the outside
With his children grown and leaving the house as well as a successful and respected career in law enforcement, Steven found himself longing for a place to finally unpack long-held thoughts and feelings about his life, career, and retirement.
Photo by R.D. Smith on Unsplash
Steven’s Concerns and Deep Desires
"It's getting more acceptable in law enforcement that seeing a therapist is OK. When things got tough, I always pressed on, went numb, and detached from my family - even when hurting inside. Now that I am ready to retire, I need to open up my mind and heart."
How We Helped
Steven became aware that his thoughts did not match his reality.
After 6 Months of Treatment
We offered a safe place that gave permission to talk, open up, feel and heal - away from the world of law enforcement. Steven became aware of his thoughts and let go of thoughts that did not reflect his reality. This opened the door to process trauma at his pace.
Steven's relationship with his wife was more open to sharing his fears of having a heart attack and his pain from horrific experiences in law enforcement.
Therapy Methods Used:
Long-term Outcomes
Steven now advocates for mental health treatment and fitness as part of training new officers.
“I got my kids back from the State.”
Freedom from Substance Abuse
Jessica, 24
Married and Divorced
5 children in Child Protective Services custody due to neglect
Adult child of an alcoholic
Mandated substance abuse treatment
Prior Profession: illegal prostitution
After years of regret and daily Meth use, Jessica started treatment with severe depression and suicidal thoughts. Her addiction worsened, switching from smoking meth to daily intravenous use. Her initial resistance and lack of cooperation made it seem there was no way out of this mess.
Jessica's Deepest Worries and Fears
"I'll never get my children back from the State. I’m a terrible mother and person - so I might as well keep using."
How We Helped
An emergency crisis recovery plan helped Jessica
build self-worth and feel deserving again.
After 1 Year of Therapy
Jessica gained self-esteem and determination to fight for her life. She left her husband (a meth dealer), moved an hour away, and never missed a therapy session again.
No longer living in a meth lab house and reunited with her children, she began to care for them and attend to their physical and emotional needs.
Her children had fears of mom using again and being sent away. But with each day of being clean, her children started to trust their mother again.
Therapy Methods & Interventions Used:
CBT therapy
Set treatment goals with strict rules and boundaries
Taught her how to stop using people, places, and things to get drugs
Conducted drug screens
Rewarded her with gas cards after reaching a target number of therapy sessions
Collaborated with Child Protective Services to keep her accountable
Long-Term Outcomes
Jessica remains clean and sober after 6+ years. She has grown as a loving mother and dependable worker. She believes she is an important member of society.